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Monday, November 22, 2010


Women reveal the pick-up moves that really work

Flirting may not be rocket science, but a little research can go a long way. If you want to know what flirting strategies really work on women, ask them. Or better still, let us ask them for you.

So, should you be brushing up your chat-up lines, practising your killer eye contact or memorising fistfuls of compliments? Here, according to the women we spoke to, are the flirting tricks that actually work.

Move 1: Hot and cold

What to do: First, knock her sideways with a volley of adoration. Tell her she's the most beautiful woman you've ever seen and beg for her number. Gaze at her, unsettle her, pocket that number – and vanish without trace. A couple of weeks later, accidentally-on-purpose bump into her.

Why it works: She won't know what she's got 'til it's gone. Your initial over-the-top chat-up establishes you as a sure thing, and like all sure things, you'll seem a whole lot more attractive when you've disappeared. Give her a week or so to work up a crush, and she'll be putty in your hands. Manipulative but horribly effective.

Move 2: Peachy keen

What to do: Interrupt her to say that she has beautiful skin. Sit back, because she may blush with more heat than you can bear.

Why it works: A great compliment can do all your chat-up work on its own. If she has good skin, mentioning it will make her tingle with confidence. Don't use it as an opening chat-up line (it sounds a bit stalkerish) but it works a treat when dropped into conversation because it makes her feel sexy without sounding lecherous.

Move 3: Death by eye contact

What to do: If you spot a woman you'd like to talk to, look at her until she meets your eye. Try to hold her gaze. Let her look away first – you can guarantee she'll look back again a few seconds later. You're communicating loud and clear without saying a word.

Why it works: Women are extremely sensitive to body language signals, and intense eye contact forges a powerful emotional connection. It works once you're making conversation, too, so look her in the eye when she talks. She'll like you for it, because it suggests that you respect and value what she's saying – and it's extremely seductive.

Move 4: Flatter her babble

What to do: Encourage her to talk more. Never underestimate the flirtatious power of the phrase “I could talk to you for hours.”

Why it works: The nerves and adrenaline of a flirtatious situation conspire to make most women babble, and they're well aware of it. Don't knock it – it's a sign that she likes you. If you can make her feel good about her babbling, she'll enjoy your company and want to come back for more. Don't be afraid to interrupt, as long as it's on-topic – it shows that you’re engaged in what she’s saying.

Move 5: Silent conspiracy

What to do: If you're with a group of friends and you spot an attractive girl across the room, stay where you are. Use body language to start a silent conversation with her. Smile in a conspiratorial way, and send signals that'll make her laugh – roll your eyes, shrug your shoulders, make it clear that “you're much more interesting than this lot.”

Why it works: Two people, in on a joke that no-one else in the room is party to... it's flirtation at its finest. She feels more important than your friends – what more could a girl want? You're on the same wavelength before you've even said hello. Raise the stakes by disappearing for a few minutes so that she wonders where you've gone. Reappear, smile, and walk over.

Move 6: Hello again

What to do: Stride confidently up to a woman you've never seen before, and say, “We've met before.” Look her in the eye and maintain that air of confidence. She'll be too intrigued to let you wander off.

Why it works: Walk up to a woman and make a confident, non-judgemental, intriguing statement, and she'll want to know more. It's open-ended and invites her opinion – unlike, say, “um sorry um can I buy you a drink?” which invites her rejection (the more “um”s, the greater the likelihood of rejection).

Move 7: Funny ha ha

What to do: Tell her a joke. The idea is that she'll then tell you a joke. Your task is to make sure that you find her joke funnier than yours. (Look, pretend to find her joke funnier than yours.)

Why it works: To a woman, a man with a good sense of humour is a man who shares her sense of humour. You will seduce her by making her feel witty and clever and cool, not by quoting entire episodes of Alan Partridge, unless she starts it.

Move 8: Fan mail

What to do: Scribble a short note of non-sleazy appreciation (say, “wish I knew your name”) on a piece of paper, and write your phone number on the back. Fold it up very small, walk past her and drop it into her lap. Make sure to catch her eye and smile while you do it.

Why it works: Let me count the ways... it's romantic, because it involves actual paper rather than text or email. It's conspiratorial (see Move 5). It flatters her by picking her out from the crowd. It's cheeky, quirky and creative. It may make her laugh, depending on what you wrote, and it's certain to make her smile, provided you didn't write anything sleazy or unintelligible. And it hands control to her, because the next move is up to her. If she's single and you are passably good-looking, we guarantee that she will hang onto your note and, one day, pick up the phone. Every girl knows that life's too short not to dial numbers that land in your lap.

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